Few singles hunting for a mate will ever say they are ready to settle for someone ugly, and many of them focus too much on...
READ MOREIn the complex arena of human relationships, the adage "opposites attract" remains a topic of intrigue and considerable debate. From romantic comedies to classic literature,...
READ MOREBookworms have long been an underestimated group, and many people find them boring. They see them collectively as brainy people who wear glasses, and they...
READ MOREFor those only interested in dating perfect people, disappointment is likely to be their lot in life. They could find a person with the perfect...
READ MOREIn the quest for romantic fulfilment, many of us find ourselves searching for the "perfect" partner. This idealised pursuit, fuelled by fairy tales and Hollywood...
READ MORELove, in its truest form, is far from the airbrushed perfection we are often sold in movies and romance novels. It’s a little rough around...
READ MORESingles are often looking in every corner of their life for a partner, but many of them will pass over a person who is quiet...
READ MOREFor those who are single, life is often about finding the perfect partner to enhance their life. They might not be looking for someone dowdy...
READ MORESingles have found that life alone is not always what they crave, but finding a partner can be the challenge of a lifetime. They want...
READ MOREWhile working at home has become more popular, there are still plenty of people commuting to work. A good share of these people could be...
READ MOREThe idea of 'the one'—a soulmate or perfect partner predestined to complete us—is a romantic notion deeply entrenched in our culture. From fairy tales to...
READ MOREFor those singles who want the perfect looking person, there are a few things they should consider first. A person who looks beautiful often spends...